Tuesday, 23 April 2013

~Don't make me change my mind~

Don't make me change my mind.
I don't know what's right.
I can see our innocence.
Fading from our eyes.

I will never tell you,
My side of the truth.
We're falling from our souls,
Never knowing what to do.

And when we turn away,
From things looking our way.
We will drown under water,
So we can't hear what they have to say.

Please, don't make me see the light;
I want to be alone tonight.
I prefer to turn into stone,
Because I can't make up my mind.

Why can't you help me believe?
Can't you choose the answer for me.
Before all of my innocence.
Can no longer be seen?

Don't make me change my mind;
I will never know what's right.
Can't you help me believe,
Before the end of the night?

~just for you M.R~ "My Heart Not That Strong To Always Stay Beside You When Everyday I'm Crying"

Aku tetap TERTAWA walau aku sebenarnya ingin MENANGIS..
Aku tetap TERSENYUM walau aku sebenarnya KECEWA..
Aku tetap KUAT walau aku sebenarnya SUDAH TAK SANGGUP lagi..
Aku tetap SEMANGAT walau aku TERTEKAN oleh masalah..
Dan yang paling penting aku tetap SABAR dan memandang segalanya baik saja walau sebenarnya hatiku LEMAH dan sedang TERLUKA.

".. Saya x suka tapi saya cintakan awk .. saya benci awk sebab x lyn saya tpi saya sygkn awk spenuh hti saya .. awk sngatlh x handsome tpi awk sangat smart pada pndngan saya .. awk hnya kat sbelah saya .. 
Tpi awk jauh dri saya .."

I cry so much now.
I hate feeling so bad.
Rizal, how could you.
I hate being so mad.

I trusted you Rizal.
Now look you made me cry.
I hate you.
Now I'm saying goodbye.

Go on with your life.
Like you've done for so long.
I used to love you.
But what you did was wrong.

Engkau seperti bintang di langit
Aku selalu melemparimu untuk jatuh
Tapi batu itu kembali memukul aku

Aku menangis kau hanya membisu
Kau tertawa aku terpaksa mendengar
Benar-benar terkutuk aku!

kalau tak mau bercinta dengan aku
Tak perlu kau meludah sampai aku tenggelam
Bunuh saja aku!

Bagi aku cinta adalah engkau
Dan bagi kamu cinta adalah kepuasan
Sedang aku selalu lemah di depan kamu!

~I haven't let (the lamp of) our love be extinguished~

The weather stretches its limbs.
Rain ripples and spreads.
A gust of wind will come and this light will be extinguished.
I haven't let (the lamp of) our love be extinguished.
O beloved, this lamp hasn't been put out, nor will it be.
The lamp of my desire!

My beloved, come to me now, my love...
With this lamp, every inch of my body is burning
Come to me now, lover;
O my love, come to me now, beloved!
There was distance (between us), a remoteness...
There was distance (between us), a remoteness, a world of separation;
my eyes were fixed in wait for you.

And you were there...
shining, sparkling, swaying in happiness,
and here I was, burning for you...
The clouds have thundered again;
with a great rumble the rains have fallen.
A wandering storm has arrived,
but it hasn't managed to quench you,

O my love, this light [hasn't been quenched], however much they torment it
the rain, the wind, the lightning!
My love, come to me now, my love
O my love, come to me now, beloved
Look at this crazy girl!
She knows nothing of the world.
A gust of wind will pass through,
and bring with it her lover.

Friday, 19 April 2013

a wish upon a star,and then the blessing of twins (^_^) (^_^)

The closeness that twins experience is unique. Growing up in the same family, and the same age, they are in a unique position to share perspectives on life. On the other hand, many twins experience a need for space. They may find their close relationship to be stifling. Depending on their personalities they may be the best of friends or worst of enemies. Their closeness having the potential to both bring them together or separate them as far as possible from each other.

Keakraban pengalaman kembar adalah unik. Membesar dalam keluarga yang sama, dan umur yang sama, mereka berada dalam kedudukan yang unik untuk berkongsi pandangan terhadap kehidupan. Sebaliknya, ramai kembar mengalami keperluan untuk ruang. Mereka mungkin mendapati hubungan rapat mereka untuk mengongkong. Bergantung kepada personaliti mereka, mereka boleh menjadi yang terbaik daripada rakan-rakan atau yang paling teruk musuh. Keakraban mereka mempunyai potensi untuk kedua-duanya membawa mereka bersama-sama atau memisahkan mereka sejauh mungkin dari satu sama lain.