Monday, 21 January 2013

Top 10 List Of Relationship Do’s And Don’ts

1. Pay attention to your partner, without giving her any advice.
2. Believe in her and value her.
3. Consider her your equal in the relationship.
4. Stand by her whenever she needs you.
5. Treat her like you have treated her in the beginning of your relationship.
6. Little things do make a difference and women really appreciate them.
7. Respect the arrangements that you have made with her.
8. Support her, her ideas and ambitions.
9. Guess what your spouse would love to do and then do it together.
10. Don’t be afraid to apologize when you have done something wrong.

1. Go to sleep being mad with your spouse.
2. Offer answers when all she wants from you is some attention.
3. Don’t act as if you were paying attention to her when you were not.
4. Don’t send away your partner when you just need to clear your mind.
5. Pass judgment on to your partner, especially not on how she looks.
6. Shout at your partner as if you were her guardian or something.
7. Take everything seriously. Women sometimes say things they don’t mean.
8. Let jealousy destroy the confidence, affection and respect between you.
9. Invade her personal privacy.
10. Fail to remember the special events.

1. Make the time you spend with your partner as joyful as you can.
2. Believe in him and appreciate him.
3. Don’t harass him.
4. Give him some space and time to spend alone.
5. Value the small things that he does for you.
6. Make love with him imaginatively, dare to take the first step.
7. Respect your common arrangements.
8. Support him, his ideas and ambitions.
9. Make it clear what you really want! He is not a mind reader.
10. Accept his refusal, he is saying NO for a reason.

1. Go to sleep being mad with your spouse.
2. Persist that he shares his emotions with you.
3. Try to engage him when he is watching a great match.
4. Point out every irregularity in your relationship.
5. Don’t discourage him.
6. Discipline him as he was a young boy.
7. Use sex as a reward or as a punishment for his behavior.
8. Measure him up to some movie star and point out his flaws.
9. Invade his personal privacy.
10. Try to make him something that he is not.

Men and women are not alike when it comes to communication, wishes and desires. Becoming aware of these differences can help us to create stronger relationships.

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