Thursday 10 January 2013

You Can Always Make Me Smile ^___^

I can’t believe the way you actually make me feel,
You make me so happy that I can’t believe it is real,
All the times when we talk you make me have a smile,
When we stop talking I still think of you for a long while,
I wish we could get closer because you make me feel great,
You make me smile early in the day and until it gets late,
It’s the things you say to me and the special looks on your face,
Since you make me so happy I have put you in a special place,
That place is my heart and there you will always be known,
I can’t wait until I talk to you on the computer or the phone,
You can make me smile from the way you walk or stand,
It’s the little things you do; I don’t know if you understand,
You are so sweet and beautiful I don’t believe your real,
I have to thank you for it all and that’s how you make me feel! 

You make me happy.
You fill my world with hope.
You’ve changed my life.
In ways you’ll never know.

You have a special way.
Of making me feel.
More valuable than I believe I am.
Your soft and gentle smile.
Speaks to my heart.
As if you truly understand.

When something is on my mind.
Or weighs heavy on my heart.
You always seem to know.
What I want to say.
Before I ever start.

When I just need to talk.
To sort through my emotions.
Or to clarify my thoughts.
You listen with ease and devotion.
And I no longer feel distraught.

I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
Every day that you’re with me.
Is another day that I’m thankful.
And so incredibly happy.

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